1.  Overview

Rwanda currently relies on imports of petroleum fuels from international sources through the ports of Mombasa in Kenya and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. Transportation of oil products is exclusively overland by trailers and road tankers.

The national energy balance shows that a significant share of energy in Rwanda is consumed in the form of traditional biomass. In order to reduce the strong reliance on biomass, various strategies were identified in the forms of alternative energy including LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) to replace wood and charcoal for domestic and institutional heating and cooking. Government has a target to reduce biomass consumption from 79% (2017) to 42% by 2024.

The market of downstream petroleum sub-sector in Rwanda comprises of different activities such as: importation, road transportation, storage, and retail of petroleum products. The development of Downstream Petroleum sub-sector is guided by the petroleum law and policy which set strategies and responsibilities to key entities that play important role.

The detailed statistics about the sub-sector are regularly published in the RURA’s annual report and in publications section available on RURA website (Statistics ).     

The role of RURA

Under the Prime Minister’s Order, No131/03 of 10/05/2016, RURA is vested with mission to regulate all operations, activities, installations, equipment, and other facilities directly or indirectly related to the trade of petroleum and petroleum products.

Other activities of the Regulatory Authority in regulating Downstream Petroleum in Rwanda, include among others;

  •     Licensing petrol service stations
  •    Regular compliance monitoring to downstream petroleum facilities to ensure safety and environment standards
  •  Setting of public pump prices of gas oil, gasoline (which are reviewed after every two months) and Jet A-1 (which is reviewed monthly)
  •  Issuing temporary authorization to road tankers involved in the activity of transporting petroleum products within the country.

 Laws and Regulations governing Downstream Petroleum Sub-Sector

•    Petroleum Law
•    Prime Minister’s Order determining RURA as regulatory authority for trade of petroleum, petroleum products and its additional responsibilities
•    Regulation for fuel depots and importation
•    Regulation for road transportation of petroleum products
•    Regulations for Petrol Service Stations
•    LPG regulations