

1.1.  Overview     

The Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) has the primary responsibility of setting the overall policy and strategy of the energy sector, and coordinating the developments of the electricity sub-sector.

The Electricity Market in Rwanda is operated by the national utility, which is state owned and vertically integrated, and some Independent Power Producers (IPPs) participate in electricity generation market.

Rwanda Energy Group (REG) Ltd executes the managerial functions of the national utility, and it has two subsidiaries, namely; Energy Utility Corporation Limited (EUCL) devoted to producing and distributing electricity countrywide and to manage the grid operation functions, and Energy Development Corporation Limited (EDCL) entrusted with energy infrastructure planning and development.

IPPs sell bulk electricity to EUCL which has the monopoly over transmission, distribution and sale of electricity to customers connected to the national grid and international electricity trade. Besides the grid system, there is a list of mini-grids and standalone systems operated by private developers.

The Energy Sector Strategic Plan of 2018/19-2023/24 targets to achieve 100% electricity access to households by 2024, 52% of households will be electrified with the grid and 48% with off grid systems. To reduce the cost of electricity access, there is a national electrification plan in place with allocation of areas to be electrified with off grid systems or with grid extension.

The grid electricity is generated from diverse renewable and non-renewable resources, namely; Hydro, Methane Gas (extracted from lake Kivu), Peat, Solar and fossil fuels (heavy or light fuel oil). A part of the electricity is generated from regionally shared hydroelectric power projects (Rusizi I & Rusizi II), and a small share of electricity is imported from Uganda. Off grid electricity is mainly generated from Solar photovoltaic systems and Mini/Pico hydropower systems.

The Law N°21/2011 of 23/06/2011 governing Electricity in Rwanda (Electricity Law) and the Law N°52/2018 of 13/08/2018 Modifying Law Nº21/2011 OF 23/06/2011 Governing Electricity in Rwanda as Modified to Date, is the cornerstone of electricity regulation in Rwanda. This law subjects to license issued by RURA any activity of electricity production, transmission, distribution and trade of electric power within and outside the national territory of Rwanda.

1.2. RURA role

The activities of regulating electricity sub-sector are handled in RURA through four Units, namely; Electricity and Renewable Energy Unit, Economic Regulation Unit, Legal Services Unit and Consumer Affairs Unit to cater for all technical, economic and legal aspects of regulation.

The following activities are tasks executed in the regulation of the electricity sub-sector:
•    Development of regulatory tools governing electricity activities
•    Licensing or registration of electricity projects;
•    Electricity end-user tariff setting;
•    Review the Power Purchase Agreement;
•    Monitor compliance with license terms and conditions;
•    Issuance of permits to electrical installations practitioners;
•    Handling customers’ complaints and dispute resolution between operators;
•    Technical compliance monitoring of ongoing electricity projects;
1.3.    List of Electricity Licenses and Licensed Electricians 


Statistics in Electricity Sub-Sector as of the Fourth quarter of the year 2023

List of Various Publications for the Sector

1.4.   Laws and Regulations governing Electricity Sub-Sector

•    Rwanda Energy Policy
•    Law N°52/2018 of 13/08/2018 Modifying Law N°21/2011 of 23/06/2011 Governing Electricity in Rwanda as Modified to Date
•    Law N°21/2011 of 23/06/2011 governing Electricity in Rwanda
•    Energy Sector Strategic Plan 2018/19_2023/24
•    Simplified Licensing Regulations for rural electrification in Rwanda
•    Minimum Technical Requirements Guidelines for Mini-grids in Rwanda
•    Electricity Safety Regulations
•    Electrical Installations Regulations
•    Electricity Licensing Regulations
•    Guidelines Promoting Energy Efficiency Measures
•    Rwanda Grid Code
•    Right of Way Guidelines for Power Lines
•    Electricity Quality of Service Regulations